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Businesses and sustainability in the future

June 11, 2023
Photo by Valdemaras D. from Pexels

It’s fair to say that the number one priority for most (if not all) businesses worldwide should be sustainability. Many years ago, we (as a society) embarked on a long, gloom-ridden journey towards industrialization and technology because we wanted to make things easier for us, we wanted to produce more, and we wanted a little bit of everything at once, non-stop. As it turned out, this journey slowly but surely harmed the environment. The decisions humanity made a long time ago turned out to be toxic for our planet, and the repercussions don’t cease to show. So much so that we can’t do it anymore. So much so that we can’t tell if things will get better. We can only hope it will slow down the slow disintegration of the world we live in. Of our planet.

To live in this day and age and avoid being cautious and open to changing old behaviors is ineffective, and it applies to individuals as well as businesses. As a business, you cannot ignore the facts, the changes, or the results. You have to constantly integrate the idea of sustainability into your actions and do your best to make things better. Or at least not make them worse.

Today, instituting a sustainability strategy is, in the grand scheme of things, a must for any business. The benefits of acting mindfully go way beyond environmental or social security reasons. To prove this point, there are multiple studies that indicate business sustainability is one of the best solutions for greater prosperity and a positive impact. It’s a win-win situation.

What does a sustainable business mean?

In its original terminology, sustainability means maintaining something at a certain rate or level for an indefinite amount of time. In a business context, sustainable businesses are defined as endlessly operating organizations. Over the years, the whole concept became some sort of enigma, and it has slowly but surely shifted its meaning towards climate change, ending poverty, and achieving gender equality.

Over time, the general knowledge of the term revolved around the idea that successful long-term businesses prioritize certain decisions focused on improving social systems and the environment. It was only a matter of time before new business models appeared, trying to define this complicated relationship between our economy, society, and the environment.

Since there’s no point in talking about climate change without facts, let’s see some pivotal dates in our history that marked some of the biggest changes on our planet:

  • 1937: The world population is 2.3 billion. The carbon in our atmosphere reached 280 parts per million (ppm). We have 66% of the wilderness left.
  • 1960: The world population is 3.0 billion. The carbon in our atmosphere reached 310 ppm. We have 64% of the wilderness left.
  • 1997: The world population reached 5.9 billion. The carbon in our atmosphere reached 360 ppm. We have 46% of the wilderness left.
  • 2020: The world population is 7.8 billion. The carbon in our atmosphere reached 415 ppm. We have 35% of the wilderness left.

But that’s not all. These are the environmental changes we’ve witnessed throughout history, now let’s see what our future holds:

  • 2030: The Amazon rainforest will be cut down to such a degree that it won’t produce enough water to self-sustain, and the process is known as dieback. The forest slowly degrades into a savannah-like phase, which will lead to the catastrophic loss of many species.
  • 2040: The Arctic will completely become ice-free in the summer. Most species are already dealing with the brunt of melting ice sheets. Without the ice cap, global warming will only accelerate because the sun will reflect less in space. Great expanses of permafrost will start to thaw, accelerating the process.
  • 2050: Coral reefs will be gone, and fish populations will be devastated;
  • 2080: Pollinating insect populations will slowly dissipate, creating a negative impact on agriculture. The weather will become increasingly unpredictable and extreme.
  • 2100: Global food production will enter crisis mode because soils will be completely exhausted. The temperatures will be higher, which will make many parts of our planet uninhabitable.

If we were to answer the question "Why is sustainability so important for businesses?", I think the answer is obvious. We clearly don’t have other choices.

It is worth mentioning that becoming sustainable (at least for a business) is no easy job, but it’s one we have to courageously own, and that’s exactly what The Coop Network is committed to.

In our diverse portfolio, we have plenty of businesses that are particularly crafted with two keywords at the base: sustainability and ingenuity.

Biodegradable Water

Our spring water is found in a hidden area in the Apuseni mountains, and it is one of the clearest and cleanest waters in the world. With tons of electrolytes, it packs everything that water should be at its purest. On the same note, we wanted to have special packaging to carry such quality content, and that’s when we discovered the most sustainable alternative at the moment: a biodegradable container.

Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

Sheep Farming

This is one of our future plans we are looking forward to developing. Sheep farming is by far the oldest "job" in humankind and one that’s particularly symbolic of Romanian culture. However, these days, it has gone incredibly wrong. Even though they are essential to the business, animals are treated rather poorly, which automatically leads to lower-quality products. That’s why the farming we will propose is much more caring and ethical. Suffolk sheep is one of the most valued breeds in the world, and we are committed to implementing sustainable practices in sheep farming. 

Organic and Sustainable Greenhouses

As mentioned before, farming is probably the oldest job in the history of humankind. Today new and innovative techniques are needed in the farm industry. Greenhouses are a game-changer, enabling the optimisation of farming practices while achieving remarkable results. We came up with the idea of greenhouses, so we could fully maximize all the resources we had on hand. This is a future plan we are looking forward to in The Coop Network, aiming to offer our members the chance to play an active part in their community.


The last but not the least another sustainable business in The Coop's portfolio is RealEase. Aiming to obtain the best product on the market, we decided on a carefully cultivated and processed CBD oil. The hemp extract we patented is 100% organic and contains no OMG, going through various tests in our laboratories so you can get the best CBD oil. You can take a look on our website: realease.ro .

If you want to participate and support something that you believe in, and one of our businesses fits the description, then we encourage you to become a member. We are proud to say that we are a visionary business community committed to positive change toward a better future. At the same time, as a cooperative, one of our core values is growing our community and helping our members. We want to achieve something as a cooperative, but also as individuals. 

By deciding to become a member, you will get a membership card that will give you access to the entire Coop Network ecosystem. Download The Coop Wallet, and you will be granted access to many advantages, including exclusive investment opportunities. 

We think positive changes will hopefully lead us to a better outcome, and if you believe in our philosophy, there’s really no better way to make a difference than blending forces with us.


1. https://greenbusinessbureau.com/topics/sustainability-benefits-topics/why-is-sustainability-important/#why-is-sustainability-important-sustainability-benefit

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